Among the things money can buy, there is a distinction between a good (something tangible that lasts, whether for a long or short time) and a service (a task that someone performs for you). A financial service is not the financial good itself—say a mortgage loan to buy a house or a car insurance policy—but something that is best described as the process of acquiring the financial good. In other words, it involves the transaction required to obtain the financial good. The financial sector covers many different types of transactions in such areas as real estate, consumer finance, banking, and insurance.
In general, all types of activities which are of financial nature may be regarded as financial services.
Accounting has variously been defined as the keeping or preparation of the financial records of transactions of the firm, the analysis,
An accounting advisor acts as a strategic partner, offering insights and advice that align with your specific context and ensuring that every financial decision
Investment accounting is the management and analysis of accounts actively involved in investments.
A financial service is not the financial good itself—say a mortgage loan to buy a house or a car insurance policy—but something that is best described as the process of acquiring the financial good.
Project accounting refers to all elements related to financial transactions in a project.
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